Friday, March 12, 2010

happiness is . . .

going to sit on the couch and finding it fully assembled (as opposed to having cushions eskew and couch pillows all over the floor.

refilling the 'sock' drawer.

waking up and realizing it's friday . . . not only is it the end of all the hard parts of the work week, but it's also casual day, no shirt to iron.

hearing those three little words that mean so much: no cavities today! (spoken by the dentist)(mine or the children's)

being caught up on home school records.

knowing what is for dinner and not being too tired to cook it.

finding my toothbrush on the counter when i'm ready to use it, and it's dry.

hearing my children sing in the van (oh you can't get to heaven on roller skates).

any time spent alone with my husband, even better if he is awake.

opening the dish washer to load it and it's empty.

hugs and kisses from any of my 10 sweeties.

when my son says, "mom do you need help".

knowing where the babywipes are at the critical moment, and they are still wet.

having my identity in Christ.

1 comment:

Paige said...

Uh, it's been over 10 days ...