Wednesday, May 12, 2010

forty by forty?

Nah, I'm going for it. I'm going for broke. Why?

Well, first of all, I visited the doctor and my blood pressure was high. Not pregnancy induced hypertension high. Not last trimester get the baby out high. Nope, just normal, plain ole high blood pressure. And we all know what that means: lose weight and exercise or take a pill every day for the rest of my life. I have until June 11th. And I have no choice.

I am still sitting at about 210 lbs. Still? Yes! That's why it's called a wall! I have not broken the 206 barrier in 13 years. But I am going to break it. Soon. Not because I want to lose weight, but because I do not want to take blood pressure medicine for the rest of my life. Not if I can help it.

I know taking medicine is not the worst thing in the world. But I'm actually lousy at it. I have a hard time finishing antibiotics. I am horrible about prenatal vitamins. It's just not my best thing.

So here's my plan: I'm trying to stay around 12-1300 calories. I'm avoiding sugar and white flour. I'm on the treadmill 40 minutes daily. And I'm trying to do 40 flights of stairs a day (or at least as many as possible).

So I'm not trying to lose 40 lbs in the next year. I'm shooting for 70 or so. Hey, it could happen. Why not try? I've got plenty of time and the best motivation in the world: my life.

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