Saturday, February 05, 2011


The power of the tongue. The tongue, the eyes, the tone of voice, can do the same thing to a heart that a bomb does to a city. Laid waste. Ruined. Shut down. Immobilized. Even though it can be re-built, eventually, with time and patience and tedious labor, there are scars.

And initially, the ruin.

My husband taught me, by example, early in our marriage, not to say things that would tear down, things I can't take back. Not that I'm a quick learner.

Proverbs says a wise woman builds her house, but a contentious woman tears it down with her own hands. My words can build and strengthen and heal, or they can wound and maim and destroy.

And my words come from the well of my heart. What is happening in my heart? Does my heart bear all things, believe all things, hope all things, endure all things? Is my heart listening to the voice of my enemy or my Friend? What treasures am I laying there?

If I am laying a stockpile of unforgiveness, of believing the enemy's lies, of hurt, of hate, of unresolved anger, then what will come out when I am provoked? Nastiness.

If I am daily walking through the painful exercises of forgiving when hurt, of blessing when cursed, of showing mercy (having received mercy), of turning my wounded heart to the One who can heal it, then when I am provoked, and I most certainly will be, I will pour out mercy, grace, forgiveness.

I am full of the mercy and grace of my Savior. I bathe in His kindness regularly. I abide in the consiousness of His marvelous love.

When you cut me, I will bleed. But what will come out of my wounded heart is mercy.

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I should have read this weeks ago..Thank you for you wise words I really needed to read that and I might just reread it everyday for a few weeks until I get it through my thick skull...