Wednesday, June 08, 2011


Last week was crazy. My husband has been fasting, which tends to mean he disappears around meal time. Then Monday and Tuesday my older kids were at a training. Often times in our big family, if you extract a kid or two or three, the rest of them mellow out considerably. Not so this time. The younger nine were pretty much all maniacs.

Then today we began a family fast of sorts. Which means we are doing several fasts, a liquid, a Daniel, a modified Daniel, some no sugar, one skipping lunch, some no sweets. I am not even sure what I'm fasting. I have been fasting having a husband. Now I think I'm just fasting normal.

So today, right after I returned from Aldi where I bought what must have seemed like a months supply of fruits and veggies for the Daniels, with my supermom shirt on and wacky pigtails in my hair (to stay cool)(as opposed to hot, not hip-cool), our standardized tests came in the mail. Nine of them.

We're trying desperately to finish school for the summer. Having increased our family by two this year, we are really scraping in an effort to have a summer break. So we are doing testing and the motivated ones are still doing school after.


Tomorrow an appliance repairman is coming to fix my dishwasher. Isn't it sad that I am going to be up late making sure I don't have a pile of dirty dishes?

Summer is crazy. I don't know why. There are, I guess, millions of cicadas flying around the county (though not by our house) and my kids are either terrorized by them or obsessed with them. My oldest son wants to tie a string around one and fly it.

I have mostly weaned the 2 year old. But here is how I'm not crazy. I'm not potty training her. Not yet. Not ready to have her be in charge of when and where. Not yet.

I am crazy in another way. When things get really bad, really crazy, I sing. "He delights in you. He delights in you. He delights in you. He delights in you. Let the heavens be glad, let the earth rejoice. Tell all the world that Jesus is King. Blessed be the Lord, our Father and God, from everlasting!"

Now that's crazy!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Staying up late will feel worth it to get the dishwasher fixed...been there done that. I'm always amazed at how Moms can multitask. That's the real reason women are the keepers at home. Daddies have a hard time remembering everyone's schedule at the same time!