Friday, February 03, 2012


I got angry today. Angry enough to make a phone call. Angry enough to call my congresshumans. I called and talked to their respective flunkies and let them know, in no uncertain terms that I am NOT okay with any portion of my health insurance premiums going to help anybody kill a baby.

And I need someone to help me with the government civics end of this thing, because it seems to me that Congress may have the authority to require my health insurance company to require me to do that - although it would be gravely wrong and desperately against the founders' intentions for them to do so - but I don't understand how the president, who I thought was the executive and not legislative branch, has the authority to say that.

Unreal. I guess they passed something that gave him the room to do that.

I get a lot of call-your-senator e-mails. They always make me feel guilty, but rarely do they make me feel anything strong enough to do something about it.

I would love to be the kind of person (my husband is) who acts out of conviction, not out of emotion. But there are a lot of times I have conviction, but not enough emotion to follow through with it.

And I wander through life, wondering, what will it take to get me worked up enough, for long enough, to do some of the things I have conviction about. Many things I do. But there are others for which my commitment to my conviction waxes and wanes based on, I don't know, the phases of the moon? Well, I might write more, but I didn't make enough quesadillas, and the sound my daughter is making is enough to make me get up and follow through on the conviction I have about feeding my children supper.

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