Sunday, January 10, 2010

39 by 39

that's my goal. to lose 39 lbs by my 39th birthday, roughly 5 months. here's my plan:
to walk/run off 390 calories on the treadmill every day
to strength train either 39 flights of stairs or 39 reps (3 x 13) of arm/back/chest, etc.
to drink 139 oz. water a day
to eat pretty much according to the biggest loser book (got it for Christmas)

i have blisters on my footpads, but am encouraged in my heart.
tomorrow after lunch i will give each of my kids a big spoonful of the dove unconditional chocolate ice cream i've got stashed and explain my plan to them. i'm pulling out all the stops. on the new biggest loser (which i didn't actually see) they weighed in in front of their home town crowds. i'm not in front of a tv camera in tight shorts and a sports bra (although if you've seen the show, you pretty much get the idea) but i am going on record here.

to quote misty edwards' song (one of my favs)
i pay my vows, no turning around
i burn the bridges that can't be found
i am Yours

1 comment:

Ibby said...

Woohoo! I'm sore just thinking about your plan. But, it's a good kind of sore - it's energized.

And I thought my 10-12 flights of stairs per day was good...

All the best!