Wednesday, January 20, 2010

what i've learned so far . . .

it is easier to eat the right number of calories than it is to eat healthy. i ate an appropriate number of calories today, but nary a vegetable crossed my lips. i can squeeze in things i love as long as the calorie number works. now, this is still an improvement - eating a little unhealthy food is better than eating a lot of unhealthy food. self control is good. but it is not the same as building the body God gave me with nutritious food.

i know how to eat at home or at a restaurant (not buffet). i don't know how to eat at someone else's home or if someone cooks for me at my house. i'm sure that whole "support network" should come into play here, but does that mean - please, no one invite me to a birthday party, or next time i have a baby, please don't bring me any meals unless they are healthy veggies, whole grains and lean meats? maybe. i don't know.

i can do way more exercise than i would have thought. i am inspired by the biggest loser contestents. i'm not smaller than all of them, but i'm not as big as most of them. my motto is: if they can, i can. if they can do 3 mph on a 7% incline treadmill for 5 minutes, so can i.

working out at night gives me more energy the next day, not less, and takes nothing from my family (as long as i don't do it every day - not ever going to bed with my husband is not okay).

the ungodly belief that "even if i lose weight, nobody keeps weight off, it is impossible to change" is a lie from hell and it is contrary to the character and nature of God. i can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

1 comment:

Paige said...

:) You are doing GREAT !!!