Friday, January 22, 2010


Healthy food does not equal low calorie food.

Today I made pancakes. Fresh ground wheat. Honey instead of sugar. Olive oil instead of vegetable oil. Cooking spray instead of butter. Blueberries instead of chocolate chips. No butter, no syrup. Sounds great, right? Except that I ate 5. Nearly 500 calories for that healthy breakfast.

I won't eat so many next time. They were delicious, and I thought, hey, they're good for me. If 3 is good, 5 is better.

Not so.

The solution (not hard since my belly is soooo full of healthy pancakes) is a light lunch. That's a can-do good buddy (Dukes of Hazzard, ca. 1980). Maybe a cup of chili (my chili is 141 calories).

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