Friday, January 22, 2010


i'm lacking momentum. the will to believe that if i go in my laundry room and begin to fold, then it will look different when i'm finished. that i will have the will power to make my children put their clothes away tomorrow. the will to put the dirty dishes in the dishwashers my boys unloaded, to wipe off the table before whatever is all over it turns to cement that can only be removed with toxic chemicals or a blow torch. the will to find my way through any of the small mountains of clutter that collect when tall people put precious things where small can't reach. the will to keep eating healthy, to keep exercising, to drink water, to keep up with my eldest in reading our Bibles through.

i just want to sit down with a tub of cookie dough and a cup of coffee and play spider solitaire for about 4 hours. except that, really, i don't. because i had a good day. not fun, but good. and i do believe, unless i'm mistaken, that the satisfaction from having a good day might just possibly feel better than an evening of cookie coffee solitaire. who-da-thunk?

alright. i'll load the dishwasher and do the laundry.

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