Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Long day

At the end of a long tired day, I think I can call it a good day. A long day, a hard day, a stretched nearly to my limits day. The low point: when I dropped off the big four at the HOP and took the youngest eight home. I realized then how different 3 under 2 is from 2 under 2. Lots of neediness, lots of demand, not very helpful middle aged kids and an exhausted mommy. High point: when the eldest daughter told me I look pretty. I love that child so much. Love the rest too. Achy love, wanting so much to do the best job possible, wanting to draw them to Jesus, wanting to set a good example, wanting to train and inspire and nurture and encourage. The end of a long day of breaking up fights and instructing and teaching and admonishing and butt-kicking. Changed diapers, served meals, cleaned up, washed diapers, found the laundry room floor, nursed, fed bottles, taught school, drove around, gave snacks. A good day, I think. Will try again tomorrow.

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