Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Supermom Fitness Update

Some of you probably want to know this, and I would imagine many couldn't care less. Sorry to the latter group.

I am doing well. I weigh 192.5 lbs. That is the least I've weighed in almost 16 years, and maybe more than that. When I began my 2nd pregnancy I either weighed 189 or 198, and I can't remember. Either way, I'm closing in on the record.

I think we didn't have a scale when we first got married. Bad idea. I know what I weighed when we got married. And that's the last I know.

So here is what I'm doing right now:

I'm exercising every day. The least I do is go up and down my stairs for 10 minutes. But mostly it's treadmill. I have up-ended my daily schedule - group school is after lunch and, if there are at least 2 babies still asleep when that is over, I get on the treadmill. Otherwise I do it after kids go to bed. (also, I'm alternating group school, a double lesson for one group one day, the other group the other day, and the fun book (last book on Sonlight read-aloud) we are reading at bedtime to make up lost ground)

I am eating only meats, veggies, low carb stuff with these exceptions: a steamer (milk and sugar free flavored creamer), Trader Joe's sprouted wheat and simply lite chocolate, for which I have to earn a cup or slice or 2 squares by drinking 2 quarts of water, and peanut butter which I have to earn with one quart per tbsp.

That's about it. Learning self control.

I'm doing that till Thanksgiving. For the holiday I'll have more healthy carbs, sweet potato pie with pecan crust, no sugar, stuff like that. Then will go back to the plan till Christmas, party again, and re-assess.

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