Saturday, December 15, 2012

Where is God?

Our nation is grieving.  26 lives lost.  Most of them young children.  I, like many, looked tonight at the sons and daughters I have in that age group and thought about the moms and dads who don't have their child that age because a crazy guy with a gun shot them at school today. 

I was reading the 1st article that popped up in response to my google search and throughout the 5 or so pages of it, there were several highlighted links that I could click that led to other related stories.  One of them was something like, 'the nation wonders where God is'.

As I was praying tonight and telling Him of my sorrow, I was thinking of the verse in Jeremiah (31:15 I think) about Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted because they were no more.  That's how my heart feels.  There is no comfort, no hope.  There are Christmas presents bought for children who won't wake up Christmas morning.  Empty arms, hearts in a rage, where is God?

He is grieving.  Like He does every day when innocent blood is shed.  We are killing them off by the millions.  The difference between these 26 and the children we abort daily is that these children were wanted by their parents.  But the children we abort were wanted and designed and planned for by God.  He loves them, loves the 26, loves the Israelis and Palestinians, civilians and soldiers, who are dying.  Those in Syria and North Korea being tortured and murdered by their own government, and those doing the murdering, He loves them.

People usually don't care for the idea of a God who would send people to hell.  But on a day like today, we want Him to be just and punish the wicked.  Problem is, that's all of us.  There is none righteous.  No, not one.

God hates the shedding of innocent blood.  And yet He caused His Son's innocent blood to be spilt as a ransom for many.

Jesus wept at Lazarus' tomb, though He knew He was about to heal him.  I believe He weeps today.  But I think we need the perspective that He also grieves the lives we take with our own hands through abortion and call it freedom and women's rights and reproductive health.  We would be absolutely horrified if a so-called doctor did to one of our children, or 26 of our children, or thousands of our children what is done systematically, daily, for lots of money to these pre-born but unique and special and wonderfully knit by their Creator God children.

That's where God is.

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