Monday, December 14, 2009

Pinky and the Brain

either you know pinky and the brain or you don't. i won't try to describe it to you. (easy search on youtube) but in the introduction of the show, pinky says, 'what are we going to do tonight, brain?' and the brain responds, 'the same thing we do every night, pinky: try to take over the world.'

it's monday morning. now i'll admit that trying to turn over a new biggest loser leaf on a friday in mid december is perhaps not my brightest move - heading into a weekend with two parties, yeah, well. but given the choices of a)eating perfectly the rest of the month {note: this is not a real option} b)eating healthy when i'm at home and enjoying the holiday parties or c)eating crappy all the time . . . i'm going for option b).

so, today, we're going to do what we do every day: try to take over the world. i intend to eat healthily: southwest omelet for breakfast; chicken salad on bell pepper and cauliflower soup for lunch; and haven't decided yet for dinner. i hope to get on the treadmill. i've got my babies in their cloth diapers. we'll continue our half day december school schedule. laundry - we must put away laundry. we have got to match the everloving socks!! AAAAAAHHH!!! on your mark, get set, go.

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