Thursday, December 17, 2009

true confessions

the amazing supermom is neither super nor amazing.

what i ate today: a house version of an egg mcmuffin, a venti green tea latte, 2 1/2 coffee with sweetened condensed milk, half a peanut butter and honey sandwich, some delicious pita and hummus, maybe 2 or 3 oreos and a small chocolate chip cookie, a decent sized piece of sugar cream pie, a handful of tortilla chips con queso, and a large bowl of white chicken chili. then, for lunch, . . . no, i'm just kidding.

the triumphs of the day - i gave out chocolate chips to some kids without eating any. the vast majority of the pie was still there when i left. when a friend said, haven't you had enough coffee, i was okay with it (the half cup later on was mostly to warm up). and i think i still mostly ate at meal time. soooo, can i still say i see God growing some self-control-fruit in my garden??

1 comment:

Paige said...

You are both super AND amazing!