Tuesday, December 22, 2009

why does poop smell?

this is probably one of those points of logic that everyone but me worked out long ago, and i'm just catching up, but here goes.

poop smells so we know to get it off our babies' butts, off our butts, out of our homes and in all other ways get the smell as far away from our health and safety as possible. isn't God good?

yesterday i continued my celebration of the glory of cookie dough, but i made it with fresh ground wheat, so it was good for me. today i am convicted because my body belongs to my husband, and stuffing it with cookie dough is not what he would have me do - i'm sure of it. so far today, i had a bite of cookie dough (eaten before i got convicted), a banana, a couple slices of turkey, a cup of coffee, a chicken pot pie, and a bite of ice cream.

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